Niketown and Milton Keynes indoor snowboarding

29 10 2010

After I got home from Santa Barbara and P3, the guys hooked me up with a workout program that was tailored for the stuff I need to be better at. So this morning, Me, Jon and Jamie went to the gym and did some of those exercises, what a great start of the day!

I´ve always wanted to go to Niketown and buy whatever sports equipment I want. They have the best and coolest stuff. Yesterday, Nike hooked us up with vouchers and we went over there for shopping. I got some tight running outfits and I am now fit for a marathon..haha..

On the second floor, they were still working on the actionsports area, but we got to see it before it opens 1. nov. To my surprise, they had this big poster of me hanging at the entrance! That made my day, Thanks Nike 6.0!

Yesterday night, me, Jon Weaver, Jamie Nicholls and Kevin Backström went to Milton Keynes, this place right outside London to go snowboarding indoor. It was my and Kevin’s first time indoor and it was actually not that bad! We met up with a guy called Neil, and he hooked us up with some pretty off the chain business! Check out this HD magnetic Fisheye lens for Iphone 4! Cant wait to make an edit… I’ll let you guys know where to buy them later.. later!

